Part-time Superhero?

Not your average cleaner job.Cleaners wanted

Superhero in Disguise is a less-traditional cleaning company. Being a Superhero is not just a cleaner job. If you are passionate about your work, and think of it as more than just a job, please read on…

Do you know what your Superpowers are?

Superheroes are born, and sometimes they remain in disguise for far too long.

If someone asks “what do you do?”, would you feel comfortable replying “I’m a Superhero”?


Let’s take a short quiz to see if you are a Superhero in Disguise

  1. Are you a true Grime Fighter? (tick!)
  2. Do you get twitchy when you enter a room that needs a good tidy and clean? (tick!)
  3. Do your friends have to stop you from “helping” when you go around for a coffee? (tick!)
  4. Do you possess superhuman qualities of stamina, strength, determination and pride in a job well-done? (tick!)
  5. Would you like to be respected and appreciated for your efforts to improve the household state of humanity? (tick!)
  6. Do you want to work hard, and be well compensated? (tick!)
  7. Do you have a sense of humour, and secretly hope that one day you will lift a car off of some (hopefully unharmed) old person? (tick!)

Superhero in Disguise is currently looking for a Part-time Superhero. To be a Superhero, you will need to have:

  1. A current Police Check, or application pending.
  2. Working with Children card (preferred, not compulsory).
  3. A clear idea of hours that you are available to work.
  4. The passion to build something that is bigger than you are.

If you want to swoop in and fight the good fight against everyday Villainous Grime, you know who to call, and it’s not Ghost Busters. Not your average cleaner job.

NOTE: This is an actual photo of Wander Woman, Head Superhero, Mobile: 0422 414998.

Cleaner job

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