Unsung Superhero

Do you know an Unsung Superhero?

You know the person that I am talking about right? It’s the person who is an amazing family member, or an integral part of the community. Perhaps it’s a neighbour who has always been there for you, or who turns up on your doorstep with chicken soup when you are sick.

Superhero in Disguise celebrates these individuals. We might not know who they are, but we appreciate them.

It is for this reason that Superhero in Disguise is launching the new Unsung Superhero awards.

Every 2 months, an Unsung Superhero will be rewarded with a Superhero Clean – inhumanly good home clean in fact.

Nominations Only

If you know an Unsung Superhero:

  1. Comment at the end of this page, and tell us why your Unsung Superhero deserves a Superhero Clean. The more details that you give, the more likely that random strangers will vote for your nomination. Include the suburb (in Melbourne only at this stage sorry) that your Unsung Superhero resides in. I.e., “Barry of Sunshine deserves my nomination because…”.
  2. If you would like to be contacted via mobile phone if your nomination is successful, also enter your details in the comments section of THIS FORM.
  3. Ask your friends to vote on your nomination – anyone can give your comment/story the thumbs up.
  4. Wander Woman will be in touch if your Unsung Superhero will receive a Superhero Clean – we will need to organise a few details after all!

May the force be with you

Taking time to show your appreciation to your friend, family member, colleague or neighbour is a heroic and noble pursuit, and Superhero in Disguise gives you respect. We know that you’re not doing this for the glory, but merely to temporarily whisk that disguise away from your Unsung Superhero.

Take a bow, and then get your nomination into the comments section below. If you would like to, register for this site (link to the right of your screen). If you do not know an Unsung Superhero (you’re delusional – think harder), please share this page on Facebook, Twitter/X, Google+ and anywhere else that you think might be useful. We want to say “thank you” to those who deserve it.

Love your work.

Bionic Bicep - Vacate Clean

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